Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Broken Lamp...

As I was reading Jonas his night time stories about 2 weeks ago, I hear this great big CRASH! I asked, "What was that?" (hoping and praying hard that it wasn't what I thought) Todd's reply: I'm sorry! I go out to our front room and my beautiful papi lamp...my favorite thing...was shattered in a thousand pieces all over the carpet! Hear sinking, holding back the tears, hand over my jaw-dropped mouth, I stare wide-eyed and stunned. Get myself together, put Jonas night night, and begin calling my cousins to see if these lamps are still replaceable (I got it in a store we frequent when we go to San Carlos Mexico). Anyway, after helping Todd clean up the pieces I retired what was left of the lamp (the stand) to its graveyard: the garage. It now stands wanting to hold up it's red flower but having empty hands. Jonas is equally touched by my loss. His narrative of what happened has evolved weekly and even daily as follows:

Version 1: "Daddy, lamp, broke."
Version 2: "Daddy broke lamp."
Version 3: "Daddy broke lamp pajamas" (this detail was added since he remembered that the trauma occurred just before bedtime)
Version 4: Daddy broke lamp, mommy cried.
Version 5: Daddy broke lamp. Mommy cried. Sad.

And his latest version: "Daddy broke lamp, carpet." he says as he nods his head.
And with his voice now very soft he then adds, Mommy cried. Sad. Pajamas.

So, Todd and I are both having a hard time getting over the loss of our favorite thing...since Jonas reminds us daily.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My mom and John came to visit for the week. We went to the Henry Ford and Greenfield Village. We had a lot of fun here for the week. One thing mom always teaches me in her visits after I have kids (only two but still) is to not let having an infant keep me from getting out and doing things.

Jonas was afraid to ride on the animals of the merry-go-round. So we had to sit on the bench that was by the horses and he managed. He has many more fears this summer at the village compared to last summer. Probably the fear of heights has emerged from him falling off the chair when he was helping me to do dishes.

Carmen takes after her Aunt Olivia. She loves to sleep. I couldn't resist putting her in the little dolly wicker bed to show how tiny she is.

And this is her yawning...
After his Easter egg hunt in the backyard...
Todd took Jonas to the mall one morning to give me some sleep. When they came home Todd says, "Em I just couldn't resist". He had bought Jonas his first pair of shoes. Black converse - like father like son. Thirty dollars for a pair of shoes on my son that is not yet two. Jonas was just as excited as Todd because when Todd tried to get him dressed after he had his shoes on Jonas just couldn't sit still and ran all around the house in his new shoes. He thought he really looked funny with only a diaper and shoes. In fact, he thought he was hilarious.

I am starting to enter that phase in which it is hard to remember what life was really like before Carmen. I think that is a good sign of adjustment - or a sign of amnesia from so many sleepless nights. Nonetheless it is here. Jonas has been a little more difficult. I have used the crib for his time-out. I usually take out all the stuffed animals and blankets and put him in the crib - because it is the only contained space in our home. I have decided it isn't such a good idea. He is having way too much fun. When I went to get him out of bed for the day (earlier this week) he had thrown everything out of the crib and while jumping up and down in the crib says "Time out? Chimichanga?" I had put him in time-out nearly a month ago for throwing his chimichanga on the floor.